вторник, 10 марта 2015 г.

95-years-old lady was a perfect bridesmaid for her granddaughter

At the age of 95, Dorothy Shapiro wasn't expecting to walk down the aisle again, but she got her chance when her granddaughter Jamie Jacobs asked her to be the matron of honor at her wedding. The Manhattan bride was having trouble narrowing down her list of potential bridesmaids, so she decided to just ask one—her beloved grandmother, who had provided love and support her whole life.
Dorothy's charming humor and spunky personality made her the perfect choice. "First of all, I’m not that old-fashioned, and I understand the younger generation. And you know what? I don’t butt into their lives," she says in a video by the New York Times (below). "I remember I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to walk down the aisle, but I did it like a real trooper. And I was able to dance! And it was the greatest honor of my life."


What can you say about the old lady? Is the bride gorgeous? Would you invite your grandmother to become your bridesmaid (подружка невесты)?

These girls are not similar to each other, but they are twins!

When you look at photos of Lucy and Maria Aylmer, you can't believe that they’re sisters, they are twins. But it’s true - the 18-year-olds from Gloucester, UK are indeed biracial twins. They are two of the five children born to a Caucasian father and a “half-Jamaican” mother, and although you’d expect them to have a blend of features from both parents, the girls physically appear at either end of the spectrum.
The BBC reports that such situation is about 1 in 500. So, it’s no surprise that people are in disbelief of the sisters. "Even when we are wearing the same dresses, we still don’t even look like sisters,” Lucy says, according to ITV News. “When we’ve met friends for the first time they never believe we are twins and they have even made us produce our birth certificates to prove that we are actually twins."
 “Now we are happy about the fact that we are each other’s twin sister,” Lucy explains, via ITV News. “Maria loves telling people at college that she has a white twin - and I’m very proud of having a black twin."
Besides looking dissimilar, the sisters have different personalities, too. Lucy is self-described as shy, and she studies art and design at Gloucester College. Maria, on the other hand, is the more outgoing of the two and studies law at Cheltenham College.


What can you say about the twins? Are they similar to each other? What is different?
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